Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas

It's time to put up the Christmas tree. I'm usually ready a lot earlier than this, but this year I had the craft fair to prepare for. So, we'll put up the tree this weekend. I'm actually a bit concerned... We now have two cats who might just think the tree is a new toy...

So, the plan is to put the tree up, but leave it without decorations for a few days, just to give the double-trouble some time to get used to it.

This is our tree from two years ago

We've collected Christmas tree ornaments from our travels for quite a few years now. There's (among a lot of others) the yellow taxi cab from New York, the starfish from St. Marten, and the newest addition from Vegas, some glass dice. Most if the ones we've collected are glass. Yeah, smart idea. It made sense at the time.

Let's see how the cats react to the tree before putting the nice ones up. Perhaps we'll only use the non-breakable ornaments this year...


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