I finally made a facebook page for my blog. I'm still working on it, but it's definitely up and running. Only a little tweaking needed. That's where I'll add photos and other things that don't fit in the posts. There will of course be blog posts as well.
I got a bunch more followers in 2012 and realized it would be a good idea to make sure you can find the most convenient way to follow Hipstercurious. I also realized I've never really put all the options in one post, so here goes... Click on the appropriate links to directly get to the follow pages.
You can follow my blog through:

Google Friend Connect and/or e-mail - see the boxes on the right at the bottom
You can also find me on
Instagram @hipstercurious
Twitter @HipsterCurious
My shops Brinner and Brinner Supplies can be followed directly on Etsy or on Facebook
Are there any I might have missed? Do you have any neat suggestions for other social media?
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